Wisdom from yoga & psychology,
recipes & reflections,
to support your balance & bliss
in this one amazing life of yours.

Root to rise: we need stable
foundations to help us fly

In yoga as in life, having a sense of groundedness, stillness and calm, can deeply enhance our ability to be creative, expressive and expansive. Our foundations, enable our expansion and expression. Physically, a good rock climber constantly applies this principle. Pressing down through our feet, enables us to lift and length through our upper body, creating more tension, balance and power. Our emotions are similar. When we feel grounded, plugged into stillness, or ‘earthed’, this sense of stability can be a potent space from where we find more lift, and safety to express - in our energy, thoughts and ideas.

Yoga guides us home to ourselves


Yoga brings us home to ourselves, helps us understand ourselves, and helps us to cultivate appreciation, curiosity, playfulness, and intentionality - skills that we can bring with us off our yoga mat, to benefit every part of our lives.

Read Freda’s bio here

Yoga: To yoke or join body and mind.

Contact: freda@esho.co.nz

From the blog…

Make space for yourself